Yep, ageing’s coming for everything—even your hair follicles. 😬 We got the lowdown from trichologist Kate Holden, who’s here to explain the effects of ageing on hair follicles and share tips for keeping those strands looking their best. 👩⚕️✨ Let’s dive into the science and discover how to tackle greying hair, thinning hair, and even changes to your scalp’s microbiome!
Can We Stop Greying?
Going grey is one of the first signs of ageing 😬. So, why does it happen? It’s all about these little cells called melanocytes—they’re responsible for producing the pigment in your hair. Over time, they slow down, and eventually, they stop altogether. Blame your genes for the timing—Caucasians often go grey earlier than those of Asian or African descent.
But here’s the kicker: we don’t fully understand why one hair goes grey while others cling to their colour, even if they share the same DNA! 🧬 External factors like stress, UV rays, diet, and hormonal changes can also speed up the process.
Interestingly, grey hair might even be an early indicator of health issues like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or heart disease. 😲
The cool part? In some cases, grey hair can actually return to its original colour. Studies have noted repigmentation when stress levels drop, thyroid issues are treated, or deficiencies in minerals like calcium, copper, and iron are corrected.
So, if you’re noticing silver strands, genetics are likely at play. To slow the process, maintain a balanced diet, reduce stress, and if the greying is sudden or severe, consult a doctor to rule out any underlying health conditions. ✨
How Does My Microbiome Change?
As we age, our skin—including the scalp—undergoes significant changes. Dryness, slower healing, rosacea, and scalp conditions like seborrhoeic dermatitis can all result from changes to your microbiome 🦠. This is the ecosystem of microorganisms that live on your skin.
An ageing microbiome can mean less sebum (natural oils), increased water loss, and even contribute to thinning hair. Research in this area is still emerging, but we do know that harsh detergents can disrupt your skin’s barrier, especially if you have sensitive skin. To protect your scalp’s microbiome, opt for sulphate-free haircare products to keep things balanced. 🌿
What Can I Do About Age-Related Hair Thinning?
Age-related thinning hair is a common concern for both men and women. Hormones, genetics, lifestyle, and overall health all play a role. For women, it might appear as a widening part or increased shedding, while men often experience a receding hairline or thinning on the crown.
If you’re noticing significant changes, don’t suffer in silence. A trichologist, dermatologist, or GP can help pinpoint the cause and recommend tailored solutions.
In the meantime, establish a strong hair care routine to support your scalp and strands. Take our quiz to find the perfect products for your hair type and give your locks the TLC they deserve. 💁♀️
Ageing may be inevitable, but with the right knowledge and routine, you can keep your hair looking fresh and healthy at any age. 💫